14 thoughts on “

  1. hey emily saw that u came to my site and posted ya lol see ya

     11111111111000011111000000000 11111111100000 11111000111111111111   111111111110000111110000000011111111111000011111000111110001111   111110011110000111110000000001111100011000011111000111110000000   111100000000000111110000000001111100000000011111000111110000000   111100000000000111111111111001111100000000011111000111111111111   1111000000000011111100111110011111000000000111110000000000 11111    111111111110001111110011111001111100000000011111000111100111111   111111111110001111110011111001111100000000011111000111111111111


  2. ur a big fuzzy, cuddly mongoose. and a really good friend. u also look hawt with them braces off. ummmmmmmmmm girl, lol.


  3. hey emily.. i remember the week before you were supposed to GEt your braces.. i warned you off all the bad and good and how to prevent it :] i still gotta see you without them girlll. and i need you to teach me somethine with xanga? so comment back girl!


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